miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

The Audio-Lingual Method


                The audio-lingual method arose as a direct result of the need for foreign language proficiency in listening and speaking skills .It is closely tied to behaviorism, and thus made drilling, repetition, and habit-formation central elements of instruction.


                     The audio-lingual method is a good way to learn a new language because this method helps students to listen and to speak a sentence in the correct way. The class are focus on the correct imitation of the teacher by the students. For example, the teacher say: There is a book on the table and the student have to repeat it. Then, the teacher say: " a purse",so the student have to change the sentence and he or she say: There is a purse on the table. At the end of the activity, the teacher give feedback and it is very important for learning of the students.

sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012


                                               THE TEACHER AS ORGANIZER
                      Teaching requires the organization of learning. Thus it follows that an important role of the teacher is an organizer. The task of any organizer is to enable a group and the individuals in it to function effectively together for the achievement of a common purpose. This is the role of the teacher as organizer.

               Role of the teacher as organizer is work primarily with people, and their responsibility is to create situations in which people can do their best and achieve their best. For example, the teacher tells students what they are going to talk, read, listen, write about and the teacher never assumes the students understood instructions. When the students finish doing the activity; the teacher corrects and organizes feedback.