miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

The Audio-Lingual Method


                The audio-lingual method arose as a direct result of the need for foreign language proficiency in listening and speaking skills .It is closely tied to behaviorism, and thus made drilling, repetition, and habit-formation central elements of instruction.


                     The audio-lingual method is a good way to learn a new language because this method helps students to listen and to speak a sentence in the correct way. The class are focus on the correct imitation of the teacher by the students. For example, the teacher say: There is a book on the table and the student have to repeat it. Then, the teacher say: " a purse",so the student have to change the sentence and he or she say: There is a purse on the table. At the end of the activity, the teacher give feedback and it is very important for learning of the students.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Rosa
    Keep up the good work. As usual each method has a really positive side
